

Do you need a  Napa Valley Wine Tour in comfort while not breaking the bank? Please choose from the selection below corelated with the size of your group. The prices below do not reflect going to other counties. We charge one hour travel time to San Francisco, Oakland & Healdsburg areas! The hour is needed to cover cost of gas, bridge tolls and labor. All wine tours are 6 hours. 4 hours only option in Napa only . Please call!  Pricing description is below each picture. If you wanted to BOOK OVER THE PHONE CALL OR CLICK # NOW 707-227-7323

Our Vehicles 1 Napa Wine Tours By Joy Honda Pilot

Honda Pilot $80 an hour that seats 8 people including the driver fuel fee applies

Our Vehicles 2 Sonoma Designated Drivers Tours

Ford Transit (sprinter style) seats 9 guests plus the driver. $110 an hour!

This vehicle (Van) has Karaoke on board with a screen and 2 microphones.  have a fantastic time. Seating Chart Below!

Our Vehicles 3 My Private Napa Driver Seating

Ford Flex Seats 6 guests plus the driver at $80 an hour fuel fee applies.

Our Vehicles 4 2017 Ford

Mercedes Sprinter Van seats 13 plus the driver. $135 an hour! Seating Chart below! Fuel fee applies!

Our Vehicles 5 Mercedes Seating
Napa Wine Tours By Joy